Friday 31 October 2014


A bomb blast victim (lying on the floor) being attended to by medical team in Gombe... on Friday.
A bomb blast victim (lying on the floor) being attended to by medical team in Gombe...

Gombe-Bomb-blast-2The bomb explosion that ripped through the Gombe Line Motor Park in Gombe, the State capital, killed more than 23 people, hospital sources say.

According to sources, 23 bodies were deposited at the Gombe Specialist Hospital. The injured were taken to other hospitals in the state capital.

Though, Police authorities in the state are yet to confirm the casualty figure, Police Commissioner said three men were suspected to have been responsible for planting the explosives.

The Police boss, Kudu Nma, said a vehicle marked “Yobe Line” might have been responsible for bringing the suspected bombers to the park.

“A vehicle which was suspected to have carried the bombers who came in with Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) was recovered,” he said. “Unfortunately for them, they were caught when they were about to run away,” he said.

The bomb went off at about 9.30 am, today at the ever busy Gombe Line Park. The park belongs to the state government owned Gombe Line Transport Services Limited.

According to eye witnesses account, rescue work was initially hampered when youth stormed the scene of the incident moments after the explosion occurred, throwing stones at security agents and rescue workers. Security agent were said to have shot into the air to disperse the rampaging youths.

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