Friday 31 October 2014

Chinedu Ubachukwu emerges Gulder Ultimate Search season 11


Chinedu Ubachukwu

After more than three weeks in the jungle, a winner has finally emerged in the Gulder Ultimate Search competition. He is Chinedu Ubachukwu, a 24-years-old indigene of Anambra State. By his victory on Thursday night, he became the 11th champion of the nation’s longest running reality TV show and will smile home with N10 million and a brand new SUV.

To attain the feat, however, Ubachukwu edged out Emmanuel Afolabi, 28, and Nne Cosy Joe, 29. Only the three men, out of all the contestants, survived the harsh weather and arduous tasks they were subjected to in the jungle of Aguleri, Anambra State.

Incidentally, on the morning of the final search, both Emmanuel Afolabi and Cosy Joe gave Ubachukwu their lanterns, telling him “this will light your path”. They had made the statement innocently while trying to shed their load, little did they know it was prophetic as Ubachukwu’s light would eventually shine the brightest.

Their final task was to retrieve the great General’s war helmet, which according to folklore, had been hidden in the belly of Aguleri forest for ages. Ironically, when the contestants commenced their journey from Boat Landing, where they camped the previous night, Ubachukwu appeared the weakest of them. He even lamented that he was not 100 per cent fit, adding that if the final search for the helmet turned physical, he stood no chance of getting it.

Ubachukwu was the last to climb over a very high wall and the other contestants insisted that he should be the first to cross a rope ladder suspended between two trees because he appeared weak. As the search neared its end, Ubachukwu appeared to regain his strength and the trio raced across a river, which was at their waist-level, towards their workstations situated at the belly of the Aguleri forest. There they met an emissary of the Council of Elders sporting a red cloak. His duty was to grant them right of passage only after correctly piecing together the tiles that they found during their long trek.

Cosy Joe was the first to solve the riddle, followed by Ubachukwu and then Afolabi. They raced towards three canoes and paddled away in different directions. Both Afolabi and Cosy Joe appeared to paddle their canoes aimlessly while Ubachukwu paddled towards a particular direction – a fire spitting clay pot. At this point, Cosy Joe appeared frustrated and angrily hit the water with his bare hands. As Cosy Joe paddled his boat to shore and later alighted on land, Afolabi attempted to move his canoe in Ubachukwu’s direction. But the latter moved faster and quickly retrieved the great General’s Helmet surrounded by three fire pots. With that feat, he joined the Order of Heroes as the 11th winner of Gulder Ultimate Search.

Chidi Mokeme, the anchorman, soon arrived on canoe and congratulated Ubachukwu on his great feat. He said: “After 26 murderous days in the Aguleri jungle, after days and nights of pain and sorrow; thinking about the unknown, nursing your wounds with sweat, with blood, it is you Chinedu who made it here. It is you who has carved your name in history. It is you who has earned the bragging rights. It is you who has made it into the elite league of extra ordinary warriors. By the powers conferred on me by the Council of Elders, I now pronounce you Last Man Standing!”

Incidentally, when the relatives of the final four contestants paid them a visit in the jungle two days earlier, it was only Ubachukwu’s mother that urged him to return home as champion. Amidst tears, Mrs. Ubachukwu had told her son, “I know you will make me proud. Come home with the crown.”

Two other contestants would also receive brand new vehicles. They are Samantha Appi, who will drive home a brand new Ford Eco sport for emerging as the Last Woman Standing, and the winner of the Viewers’ Choice award, who will go home with a Ford Focus.

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